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You can become a Vibrant member no matter where you work or live*

We welcome all U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

To get started, choose the category that describes you

I'm already a member

Hey there! Because you're already a member, you don't need to go through all the red tape to open an additional account. See for yourself how easy it is!

I live or work in Iowa

Do you live in or work for a business in one of these eligible Iowa counties? You automatically qualify for membership.

I live or work in Illinois

Do you live in or work for a business in one of these eligible Illinois counties? You automatically qualify for membership.

I live or work in Wisconsin

Do you live in or work for a business in Grant, Green, or Lafayette County? If so, you automatically qualify for membership.

I live or work in Indiana

Do you live in or work for a business in Fountain, Vermillion, or Warren County? You're welcome to join. 

I'm a member of an association that Vibrant partners with

Are you a member of one of these eligible associations? Not sure if this applies to you? Get in touch and we'll check to see if you qualify!

I want to join the Illinois Consumer Council

The Illinois Consumer Council (ILCC) is a nonprofit member organization dedicated to consumer advocacy, financial education, and championing the rights of all consumers—and its members are automatically qualified for Vibrant membership, too.

I'm not sure!


There are other ways to qualify for membership. Contact us at 1-800-323-5109 to discuss your eligibility or apply for membership online.

* Pursuant to Vibrant’s current eligibility requirements, which may include Field of Membership and internal policies.

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